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Webinar on Mindful Paradigm to handle COVID Stress and Fear

25.05.2021 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM

COVID-19 has changed the dynamics of the world. Life has come to a standstill and there is fear and stress all around the world as to how to deal with the situation. This has created panic state among people.

Dr. Dhruti Anklesaria conducted a Webinar on the topic “Mindful Paradigm to handle COVID Stress and Fear” ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL). The workshop was attended by the top management to the Executive level.  The session was very beneficial as it helped the participants to understand how stress and fear levels can be managed .


  • Understanding of what is stress and how it impacts our body.
  • Explanation was given as to how the stress level release certain hormones in the body .
  • The entire process was explained how stress levels impact a person’s overall well -being.
  • A detailed explanation was given about what is fear
  • The various levels of Fear were discussed with examples
  • Techniques to overcome Stress and Fear was explained in detail.


After the completion of the session there was Question and Answer session where the queries of the employees was solved by Dr. Dhruti Anklesaria.